Ad-Hoc Reporting
Enables the user to produce reports on any accounting transaction for any date range for any Branch,
Division, Committee the user has authorisation to access.
Select the fields to be reported on from the list on the
left hand side.
Then select the date range.
If you wish to only view data for the current Barnch/Division select "current" before selecting fields in the left hand menu.
Then select "Run Query"
Data appears on the screen
NOTE: If "show split transaction" box is not checked then the amounts column is the total value for multiple transactions
To see individual split amounts by analysis code, check the "Show split transactions" box and then select "run Query"
The data is now displayed as individuals lines per analysis code.
Change column order
To change column order place cursor on the column, left click and drag the column to the new position
Transaction date now moved from the 3rd column to the
1st column
Sort and Group Data
To group data, drag a column to the header bar.
Data will be grouped accordingly
Click on the arrow and the data underneath the group will be displayed.
You can sort into sub groups. Above is sorted by Section and
Either: Right click on the column, select from the dropdown list the filter required and then type the criteria into the
OR: Click on the filter at the bottom of the screen and add your filters.
Saving Queries
Queries can be saved and then reused. Select "Save Query" from the toolbar.
Enter the name and the descriptions of the query
Query Type
Private = Query can only be seen by you
Global = Query can be seen and used by all users.
Select "Save"
To run a saved query select "load Query"
Select query from the list and then select "Load"
The saved query will then be loaded onto the screen.
Deleting Saved Queries
Saved queries no longer required can be deleted by selecting the "Delete Query"
Select the query to be deleted and then select "Delete".
Exporting Data
Select "Export to" from the toolbar.
Select export option (excel is preferable) then say yes to Open File. Data from the screen is
now exported to excel.
NOTE: Any sort and Groups or filters created in the data mining view are also exported to excel.