Formal Reporting
Each volunteer group is obliged to produce a standard end of year financial report. The format is
standard for each type of volunteer group as follows:
1. Form 12 - Branch Return
2. Form 12A - Divisional Return
3. Form 12B - Service Committee Return
The FMS is designed to use the transaction records to produce the appropriate report by user request
for the particular volunteer group depending on the type of volunteer group. No special formatting or
editing is required from the Treasurer.
Branch Treasures also have a facility to run consolidated reports for all divisions associated to their
This tab consists of all the Form 12, 12A and 12B reports relating to Branches, Divisions and
Committees respectively.
Although these reports are primarily used to produce the Year End accounts they can be run at
any time.
In addition to the standard end of year financial reports there are:
Case Balance - Summary of Case Balances
Case Detail Report - Case transactions for case detail report the year
Restricted balance report - Transactions for each restricted fund
Bank Reconciliation report - Transactions by bank and reconciliation date
Summary transaction listings - Receipt and payments tables 1, 2 & 3direct export to excel
Detail transaction listing - Details of each transaction entered for the year.
The report can either be printed by selecting the print option.
Or exported
Select the export format
Then select the "export and show in new window option"
Report exported to excel below:
Drill down facility on the sub totals for receipts and
payments report:
Double click on the sub total to obtain a list of transactions.
To run all the reports for the year (excluding the Case Balance, Case Balance Detail and
the Restricted Fund reports) select "batch Reports", select the year and then select Show Report
Reports can then be printed or exported